Hi internet

Welcome to my website it's in beta phase,lets'call it v0.5 I made this site cause i like making websites and writing my nerdy stuff,anyways im gonna write stuff about everything here make sure to check out blog section.

You guys make shitposting accounts and etc,i just made a fucking website to do it.

My opinions matter to myself.
legit me fr
Legit me fr
Stuff about me -
  • I like movies,anime,manga,light novels and felines.
  • I like Flat.
  • I Like Rock(music).
  • I use Arch btw.
  • My favorite disney princess is Rapunzel.
  • I am not a big fan of shonen genre,IMO shoujou >>> Shonen.
  • I like games mostly AAA titles,visual novels or RPG.
  • Cynical.
  • I like writing and im gonna continue to do so on here please look forward to it.
  • I will watch any movie of any genre aslong it's entertaining.
(Best girl ><)
